if you want to put pictures of things on your map (ex: i put a picture of me on sanctuary) you can do it in dothalo. first you (bitm) bitmap. then you scroll down to scenarios. click on something you want to edit. you must have shared.map and mainmenu.map to open most files. once you have the peice of map you want to edit click on it. a picture should come up in raw tag editor or somin like that. you want to extract the file to a folder (i made a folder called skins to make it easy) make sure you leave the file open. youll also need a program called dxtbmp. just google it. so you drag the file into the dxtbmp. i was doing sanctuary so i edited the watterrfall. it was called sanc waterfall or somin like that. drag that into the dxtbmp. then hit image send to editor. you can do it in adobe photoshop cuz thats easier but i just use paint because i dont have photoshop. so then you can do whatever you want to the picture but make sure you keep it the same size. then go bak to dxt bmp and hit image, reload after edit. then you need to save it as a ddstexture. go to dothalo and see wat kind of dds texture it is. (its gonna say dxt 1 3 or 4/5) if it is 4/5 save it as 5. then you need to inject the peice you edited. make sure it is right and save changes.